Grief Support

Grief is a natural response to loss, and yet, people often find themselves surprised by the complexity of their emotions in the aftermath of a death. The way we individually navigate grief is unique, but the ability to process and manage these emotions is a significant component of the healing process. A wealth of information, including resources outlining the various stages of grief, is available online for those who prefer self-guided exploration. Additionally, many local communities offer support groups, providing in-person connections for those seeking to share and relate to others with similar experiences.

To aid you on your journey through grief and offer considerations for those also facing loss, we've gathered a collection of helpful tips.

Self-Care and Supporting Yourself During Grief

Managing grief is a deeply personal journey, and it's essential to prioritize self-care as you navigate the emotions and responsibilities that follow a loss.

Firstly, understand that your feelings are valid and can encompass a wide spectrum, including fatigue, changes in sleep and appetite, mood swings, forgetfulness, or even feelings of relief. Allow yourself to experience and process these emotions, even if your reactions aren't what you'd expect. Grief can sometimes make you feel disconnected, particularly when overwhelmed with tasks, and that's entirely normal.

Secondly, give yourself the time you need to grieve. There's no predefined schedule for mourning, and everyone processes it differently. Be patient and grant yourself grace during challenging moments. It can take months or even years to navigate the stages of grief, so avoid overcommitting and make self-care a priority.

Lastly, tend to your physical well-being. It's easy to overlook basic self-care during grief, but it's crucial to maintain routines that include activities like bathing, eating well, getting enough rest, and engaging in physical activity. These simple steps can greatly enhance your overall well-being during this challenging time. Additionally, don't hesitate to seek help from others or consider professional support if you need guidance throughout your grieving process.


Supporting Friends and Extended Family

Supporting someone in grief can be a daunting task, as we often worry about saying the wrong thing. To effectively provide comfort, remember to approach the situation with compassion, empathy, and open communication. Reach out and check in with your grieving friend through a simple call, text, card, or visit – these gestures can mean a lot.

Listening is equally crucial. Give them space to express their thoughts and emotions, even if it means enduring moments of silence. Helping with daily tasks, such as grocery shopping, house chores, or childcare, can alleviate their burden and offer the time and space needed for healing.

Acknowledge significant dates, like birthdays and anniversaries, and be there during the holidays, as these times can be especially challenging. Don't shy away from talking about the person they've lost; sharing memories and stories can bring comfort and serve as a reminder of the lasting impact that person had on their life.


Supporting Children Through Grief

Children, even from a young age, grasp the concept of death, but confronting grief and loss can be a new experience for them. Understand that children react differently from adults, and their responses may not align with your expectations. It's normal for them to cycle through various emotions, like sadness, guilt, anxiety, or anger towards the departed. Encourage them to express their feelings, even if they struggle to articulate them.

When considering whether a child should attend a funeral, remember it's a personal decision. If the child had a close relationship with the deceased and can comprehend the event, attending may offer closure. Always ask the child's preference and prepare them if they choose to attend. If it's not suitable for them, consider alternative meaningful ceremonies. Stick to routines to comfort children and seek help if needed, whether from supportive individuals or professionals. Be mindful of healthy emotional coping and consider therapy if your child struggles to manage their feelings.

Contact Us

If you have any inquiries or need assistance feel free to reach out to us. We are ready and available to provide the support you need. Contact us today.